Topic: Possible to install the template into an existing ZC instance
Hi there
Reading the readme, it says in dark foreboding tones that the template needs to be installed before actually creating the shop.
Has anyone successfully applied the template to an existing shop? (Actually, to be honest, the shop I'm working on isn't live yet; I suppose I could back up the config and products data, but I'm hoping to sidestep the pain of reading the SQL insert dump). If so, could you please share your experience? I'm using ZC 1.3.7, and fairly customised (as well as just a template).
How much pain might be involved? I gather (I haven't read much past the readme yet, beyond giggling in glee at the work this might save me in future) it's not just php files changing (I'm not worried about those; I keep my instances of ZC in subversion source control and can use diff/merge tools), but there are SQL data inserts to perform as well. Given that I've already messed with the tax zones and a couple of other things, do learned people here suspect I'll be alright if I delete my own changes and then cherry-pick the stuff in the template?
Thanks for making this, and releasing it, by the way! There's a bit I read somewhere about getting in touch if I'm a UK developer using ZC - I guess I qualify.
Ta in advance