Topic: Possible to install the template into an existing ZC instance

Hi there

Reading the readme, it says in dark foreboding tones that the template needs to be installed before actually creating the shop.

Has anyone successfully applied the template to an existing shop?  (Actually, to be honest, the shop I'm working on isn't live yet; I suppose I could back up the config and products data, but I'm hoping to sidestep the pain of reading the SQL insert dump).  If so, could you please share your experience?  I'm using ZC 1.3.7, and fairly customised (as well as just a template).

How much pain might be involved?  I gather (I haven't read much past the readme yet, beyond giggling in glee at the work this might save me in future) it's not just php files changing (I'm not worried about those; I keep my instances of ZC in subversion source control and can use diff/merge tools), but there are SQL data inserts to perform as well.  Given that I've already messed with the tax zones and a couple of other things, do learned people here suspect I'll be alright if I delete my own changes and then cherry-pick the stuff in the template?

Thanks for making this, and releasing it, by the way!  There's a bit I read somewhere about getting in touch if I'm a UK developer using ZC - I guess I qualify.

Ta in advance

Re: Possible to install the template into an existing ZC instance

Hi Pete,

if you've 'fiddled' with the tax zones you could be in for a semi-rocky ride.
You may end up with two records for certain things - like currency, vat rates etc. if you run the sql file as is.

If you've already customised your store, then it is best you compare the files in the UKZC template against those you've modified.  Merge the appropriate changes into files you have altered and just upload the files you haven't (note: make sure you upload them to the correct template folder)

If you've got enough spare facilities in your hosting package you would be best creating an exact copy of the current store and then applying the sql import to the copy to see what damage it does.  None of it is serious - just a pain in the 4r$3 and a bit more time to fix.

The way I'd do this is
a: upload the UKZC template files to your template (after checking you won't overwrite existing changes)
b: run the UKZC sql file using the admin tool.

As the UKZC system doesn't override any core files, most of the 'glitches' will be superficial - i hope.

Hope this helps


P.S.  and yes feel free to get in touch.

Re: Possible to install the template into an existing ZC instance

Hi Kev

Thanks; I've merged it in without issue - all hail subversion.  I also battled my way through the SQL a bit at a time (via phpMyAdmin), and that appears to be working fine too.

However, a couple things I noticed:
* I don't think there's a need to add the euro-symbol; I think it comes pre-set in zen cart 1.3.7.  I also think that if you keep it in, you should change it to the HTML entity code ampersand-euro-semicolon rather than the actual symbol itself...?  I don't know, to be honest, whether or where encoding happens in MySQL/phpmyadmin/zen's-own-SQL-thing.
* I think it would be kinder to people like me if you split up the SQL patch into more than one file; one for the layout-box whatsits (that I didn't need to do), and one for the tax/country/zone stuff, and one for the finishing-touches part.  The user can then cherry-pick which stuff they want, which is useful if, like me, they have a store already (well; have done stuff to a store, but not made it live).  Would you like a patch?
* A bit of documentation for post-install, pointing the user at what they might look at in the admin section to reassure themselves the template worked.  I imagine your audience has a lot of non-technicals?  That would probably be a very nice thing for them.  "Oh, go to the tax zones bit in the admin, see UK VAT - oh, yes, there it is!" kinda thing.
* Consider removing (or, documenting _how_ to remove) the pre-existing "taxable goods" tax class.
* Consider writing example SQL to change all the products from the pre-existing "taxable goods" class to the "UK VAT" class - something I'm now doing by hand (I don't know the MySQL dialect; my background is Microsoft products hmm ).

Anyhow - I seem to be ok.  Thanks _very_ much for your package!  I'll come back and share a link to my site when it goes live (I hate showing people preliminary stuff), if you'd like a look.


Re: Possible to install the template into an existing ZC instance

Hi Pete,

Thanks very much for coming back and keeping us updated.  You've got some excellent ideas there!

As I'm sure you can understand the biggest problem is time and to be bluntly honest ... lack of financial input from the majority of the users of my tempate puts me off making like too easy for free wink

I've got to admit that recently I've been toying with the idea of releasing a premium version which would include other 'essential' utilities to boot. 

Free is fine but it doesn't pay the bills.

And for others that read this - don't panic - I will keep the free version coming out.

Also Pete - when you have got your site up and running do feel free to come and post a link to it.  Make sure you use a good seo phrase as well smile


Re: Possible to install the template into an existing ZC instance

Well, I'll submit patches for some stuff then, if you'd like?  Do you have a subversion repository someplace, or would you like the raw diffs?

Ah, yeah - SEO.  I must hook up SEFU sometime soon...  Not to mention find some way to educate my client that filling in "all that boring text stuff in the admin bits" will probably make her more money...

Have you tried out any of the SEO-related contributions like SEFU, Froogle feed thing, Google sitemap thing?  Are there other good ones?  I found Image Handler 2 the other day, and ****ing hell but that makes images easier to deal with...

Re: Possible to install the template into an existing ZC instance

Raw diffs would be superb - I'm not clever enough to set up a subversion rep smile

SEFU works well .. as far as I can tell.  I've got it working on the main site and most of the SE's rank the site well for what I've chosen.

When it comes to clients understanding of SEO ... ummm most tend to think that just having a site will be enough.  The thought of using the superb tools in admin or .... even using the email facility to keep in touch with clients is scary.

If you are serious about seo have a look at - it's THE tool I use to determine what keywords and phrases must be included in every product page.  It's not cheap but ... it rocks!

Image Handler 2 smile  yep I know what you mean!
I wouldn't be without it.

TIA for your assistance in improving things.


Re: Possible to install the template into an existing ZC instance

For a subversion repo, you could register with and get an instant one.  If you haven't encountered TortoiseSVN (and you're windows-based), then install that too; it's one of the most useful pieces of software I've ever encountered, and it gets put on every machine I touch, let alone use...  It also has very useful documentation.  You could use it to set up a local file:// based svn repo in two clicks and typing a folder name.  Not accessible to the world, obviously, but might be useful for you.