(1 replies, posted in General Zen Cart Chit-Chat)

Hi Tony and thanks for stopping by to contribute.

Looks like you've got a great site there for people who want to buy Ugg boots at affordable prices in the US.

Good luck! Come back once in a while and share some insight on how site owners can improve things for customers.

The new UK Template Module for use with Zen Cart 1.3.9x has been released and is available.

Go to the UK ZenCart Template download for more details.

Hi Cindy,
In the CSS file alter the colour code by relacing it with a link to a small graphic. 
That'll do it.



(3 replies, posted in The UK Zen Cart Template)

You can delete all of the other countries and regions one at a time sad

Personally I'd hack out the deadwood direct from the database.  Much quicker.

>> In Countries I have United Kingdom as well as all seperate countries, is this right? I dont have ROI can I add this manually?

Ans:  You can.

>> Also with the counties, do I need to have a drop down box in the create an account form?

Ans: It should appear automatically.

>> Or are they only used for tax classes?
They can be used for either depending on how you use them.

UPDATE:  The 1.3.7 UK template won't work properly with 1.3.8.

There are a number of code additions that need to be added to the files.

I've started working on it and a paid variant will be available soon.



(3 replies, posted in The UK Zen Cart Template)

Hi Danny,

If you are new to Zen Cart, have an existing site and only have access to the Admin Panel the UK template won't help you.

It's designed to be used at the point of installation and creates a new over-ride system template that you would use.

If you had experience and ftp access you could 'hack' the sql code and upload the appropriate files into your existing template.

Maybe one of the companies could help you for a fee.




I haven't had time to check yet (or put the 1.3.8 version together).

Sorry I can't be of more help at this time.

If it doesn't work the worst (hopefully) that will go wrong is that various text elements will not display correctly.   This is easily fixed.



(16 replies, posted in Zencart Customisation & Modification)

peggy wrote:

Well thank you for your personal opinion but it was really not needed.
I am a client of the small business advice bureau who had funding available but has been temporarily stopped because of the floods in Yorkshire and will be reinstated in January. Until that time I am merrily learning as I go.

Sorry for trying to help.  Now you can have all the time you want to learn on your own.  Good luck.


(16 replies, posted in Zencart Customisation & Modification)

Originally there would have been other currencies, USD was one of them so these must have been deleted.  Until you specified GBP as the default currency choice ZC was doing everything in USD.

When you deleted USD the price would have been (say) $10.00 (you thought it was


(16 replies, posted in Zencart Customisation & Modification)

and the reason why it is 0.5 instead of 1 is as I said.  You added products with the default currency as USD and when you converted it to GBP it changed.

When you add new products (provided you have GBP as the default currency) you'll be fine.


(16 replies, posted in Zencart Customisation & Modification)

I Hate to say this but based on your last comments you have not properly implemented the UK template as an independent over-ride system.

The file at 'includes/languages/english.php' is one of the core files supplied by zen cart.  If you were using the UK template as designed you would be using the UK template version of english.php but it would be stored at

The reason your price shows up at 7.93 is because when you added the product your default currency was dollars.

Then you've changed it to GBP and ZC has converted the price.  It's about half.

When you were experiencing difficulties initially, I offered you paid help and you decided not to take advantage of it then.  Sometimes when you don't have the knowledge it is quicker to pay something to get yourself on a firm basis to start with.

With the best will in the world I can't support on something that hasn't been installed as it should be.  I don't know what you've done, added etc and it's too time consuming to offer free support.

Please let me know if you'd like me to have a look to see what needs to be done to get it working how it should be.



(16 replies, posted in Zencart Customisation & Modification)

Not knowing what changes have been made all I can say is that it looks like you've used and overwritten a file somewhere in the UK template that isn't from the UK template.

Login to admin and use the developer tools to search for the phrase 'lbs'.
You are looking for any file in your template folder that has it.  This will 'probably' be the file you need to alter to kgs.

What is that file?

Also please confirm that you uploaded all of the UK template files into the correct folders.  In particular where the zip file contained folders called 'your_template' you reenamed that folder to 'custom' or copied the files from that folder into the 'custom' folders you created as part of your template over-ride.


(16 replies, posted in Zencart Customisation & Modification)

Hi Peggy,

The example you gave is not part of the UK template.  It is a part of the shipping mod you installed.

I'm guessing that the 'lbs' that show up are in the admin area when you are setting it up?

Try imagining that 'lbs' reads 'kgs' and add the weight as if it were kgs.  When the product is displayed to visitors it will show as kgs.

What shipping mod are you using?


P.S.  it does look like you have set up the UK template smile - therefore all you need to do it alter the text of the appropriate shipping mod files.


(5 replies, posted in The UK Zen Cart Template)

If you look at the folder/file structure of the UKZC Template you do just upload the files as is.

It works that way.

If you don't upload the few files in the admin section things will not be as expected.  The front end in UK date format and the admin in US date format.


(16 replies, posted in Zencart Customisation & Modification)

Hi Peggy,

The UK template if you've installed it and selected if for use uses the KG's.  That's what it does.  I removed all references to lbs.

Check that you have selected the uk template and your site is using it.

Sorry but I can't help with the royal mail shipping mod.



(5 replies, posted in The UK Zen Cart Template)

No ... it's my right to be dumb.

The way what's written ?


I hate simple questions like that because although the answer is simple ... I can never remember.

What I do when I need to find what file to change when I want to change some text is log in to admin > developers tool kit and I use the search files function.

Type in what the phrase is you're looking for, choose admin and catalogue and away you go.

You'll get a list of all of the files and their locations that have the data you're looking for appear at the top of the window.

It may appear in numerous files but these are normally other templates you're not using.




(7 replies, posted in The UK Zen Cart Template)

Ken is Barbies friend -  I'm Kev smile

Good for you and well done. 
BTW, I have a regular prescription that helps avoid the sparkles and brain trauma smile

Glad you got it sorted.



(10 replies, posted in Zencart Customisation & Modification)

Have added my tuppence to that post for you smile

Personally I don't rely on hosting companies to upload or install programmes using 'scripts'.

You are just as well off learning to upload the files yourself using your FTP program so that you know where the files are.

I also personally rename dist_configure to configure before uploading.



(10 replies, posted in Zencart Customisation & Modification)

How you getting on?


(7 replies, posted in The UK Zen Cart Template)

OK.  None of this would be caused by the correct UK template being uploaded/installed. 
It could be you've uploaded the 1.3.6 UK template in to a 1.3.7 Zen Cart core or vice versa.
It could be there's a bigger problem somewhere else.  i.e. It could be that your hosting account can't find the path to php on the server.  You have checked this?
It could be that you've applied other modules and they cause a conflict.

In cases like this, reinstall from your backup copies and try again.

Or it could be something simple like not all of the files you thought you had uploaded during install actually got loaded.


(7 replies, posted in The UK Zen Cart Template)

Login to admin

Go to Tools > Define pages editor > select define_main_page.php
clear out anything that you haven't typed in.

Let me know.


(10 replies, posted in Zencart Customisation & Modification)

Hi Peggy,

Shipping zones are not part of the UK template - try the Big Royal Mail shiiping mod.

As for not having layout boxes ..... Now I'm confused.
You were right to keep an eye on security but Zen Cart uses layout boxes to allow the positioning of everything.

Not sure why you got that message to be honest.  It's probably something to do with the code and not you.

I'm going to email you.



(10 replies, posted in Zencart Customisation & Modification)

peggy wrote:

I wish I knew what you just said to me....

Aha -- I see said the blind man.

peggy wrote:

Does that answer your question? smile

Yep smile but not to fear.

peggy wrote:

Would I be able to upload the UK files to the carts I haven't  modified yet? and if so, how would I go about that?

You can. It's not exactly what it was set up to do but you can work around it.

With the uploaded but unmodified carts - upload the files in to the correct over ride directories (you understand this bit ???).

Open up PHPmyadmin and import the MySQL file -  That SHOULD work.

Do you have access to PHPMyadmin or was that yet more gobbleDgook???  smile smile

We'll get there - he says looking up hopefully smile
