Topic: editing the template

I'm about to start customising my store....

I gather I cannot install or change the template as it would over-ride the UKtemplate....so I have to edit the UK template files.

Is there anything I should pay particular attention to when doing this? Are there any likely problems?

thanks smile

Re: editing the template

Hi Carley,
Yes you need to modify / add to the files in the UK template override.

Providing you just keep to the principles of the Zen Cart over-ride system you won't have any issues.

good luck


Re: editing the template

I wanted to the change the name of the your_template2 to something more customer friendly but whenever I changed it I lost all the sidex boxes.

I changed it in the templates folder and 3 places in the languages folder.

Is there something else I need to do...  or can I not make these changes.



Re: editing the template

HI Mick,
You need to scour through ALL folders and sub folders and rename every folder from your your_template" to whatever.

Remember though, when it comes to update time you'll have to rename them again.

