Topic: Using Future Zen 1.1 with UK Template

Hi Kevin,

Could you tell me what files I need to replace to be able to continue to use the UKTemplate but be able to use the new styleshhets in Future Zen 1.1.

Future Zen makes it easier to change the look and feel of the site very quickly.



Re: Using Future Zen 1.1 with UK Template

Hi Robert,

I haven't used Future Zen so I can't help you much.

If future zen only changes the stylesheets it shouldn't be much of an issue.
If FZ has the ability to set paths etc, just point it to your UK template CSS folder.

If it's inteligent then it may work out that you are using the UK template and try to modify the correct css files.  You would probabbly need to alter the permissions to 777 so it can write to it.

I don't have much time to have a look at present but please feel free to keep us all updated on your progress.

and remember - ALWAYS backup your database and site BEFORE making any changes.

Hope this gives you a starting point.

Best of luck


Re: Using Future Zen 1.1 with UK Template

UPDATE:  OK .... I felt bad and went to the ZC forums to find out about Future Zen.

Version 1.2 is out now and I've downloaded it.

It has two folders (images and css) plus the template info .php file.

None of these files will upset your UK template.

Simply upload your Future Zen files into your corresponding UK template folders.

NOTE: If you upload the template_info.php file you will find that the UK template gets renamed to 'future Zen'

DON'T PANIC!  Your UK Template main files will still be there and future zen 1.2 does not affect your database or the core UK template files.

Hope this helps


Re: Using Future Zen 1.1 with UK Template

I'm sure the answer will be to go and read the ZC Forum - but I'm just wondering exactly what Future Zen is?  I'm guessing it's basically an updated template?


Re: Using Future Zen 1.1 with UK Template

It's a template for a near tableless template.

If that makes sense?
