Topic: Another CSS question

Hi all,

Have just installed Zencart v1.3.0.2, in addition to the latest UK mod, and the Multi-zone Multi-shipping, all is now working well, except for one thing.

I would like to alter the background and text colour so that the shop intergrates with the site its being used with, but for the life of me I cannot get the CSS files in the includes/templates/uktemplate/css to what I would like it to be.

Any advice as to what I'm doing wrong.

Would like the background to be black (FFFFFF), and text to be FF9900

Vaughn, S.Wales, UK.

Re: Another CSS question

If you post your URL I'll have a look for you.
If you are altering the css files in that directory then you should see changes.

It might sound like a dumb question but have you selected the UK template?

How many template files are there in that directory?


Kev Polley