OOPS - the title should read upgrade from 1.3.0 to 1.3.6
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The Mutual Advantage Forums » Posts by alpage2
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OOPS - the title should read upgrade from 1.3.0 to 1.3.6
I am looking for some advice as to the best (and quickest) way to complete an upgrade.
I had a version 1.3.0 zen-cart, with the matching uk template installed, and had made some edits to files in the uktemplate subdirectories to change welcome messages, etc.
I would like to complete the upgrade, preferably without losing the customisations, although they would not take long to redo.
I recently carried out the upgrade of zen-cart, from 1.3.0 to 1.3.6. All went well, and all my uk settings appear unaffected, so I assume that the upgrade has replaced various core files, but the ver. 1.3.0 uktemplate continues to override the ver. 1.3.6 core files.
After reading how the override system works, it seems that the override files in the various uktemplate subdirectories will need to be updated to the 1.3.6 version.
Is that best done by uploading the files and redoing the edits, without running the sql script?
What effect would running the sql have on the previous version of the uktemplate?
Thanks in anticipation
Just a footnote for the benefit of anyone else who finds themselves in a similar position:
I soon discovered another consequence of having run the sql patch twice - all the boxes on the first page of the shop were displayed twice.
a couple could be deleted from Tools...Banner Manager, but most are configured from Tools....Layout Boxes Controller, which does not offer a way to delete all the duplicate entries. It does allow you to turn off the second one of each entry, but having everything listed twice is a bit messy.
I guess a manual edit of the mysql table would have fixed it, but I could not be sure whether there were any more less obvious problems, so deleted the whole shop, and reinstalled - easy when it is a new shop, and your host (sashbox) provides an automated install procedure which works in seconds!
Many thanks, Kevin
Painstaking though I was, I seem to have had a brainstorm and forgotten the includes subdirectory entirely. After uploading and running the sql patch again, all is working fine.
I did find under currencies that GB Pounds was listed twice,- I guess from running the sql patch twice. Every time I tried to delete the second entry, when the confirm screen was displayed, it offered a cancel button, but no delete button. After several tries, I edited the 2nd GB Pounds entry and emptied every field, and tried to delete the empty record. It took several tries, and just when I had resigned myself to editing the mysql table by hand, it suddenly worked and produced a delete button - so all's well that ends well.
Thanks again for your help, and an excellent template - I'll drop a little something into your paypal account.
I have installed the uk_template_mod_v-0.8.2 on a new installation of zen-cart, and it seems to have gone well - I have the English counties and GB Pounds, etc. I am very pleased with this - it has saved me a mountain of work! :-)
There is just one minor query regarding the final installation instruction in the ReadMeFirst.txt file, which states:
"11. Finally to bring it together select : Tools -> Template Selection - Click on Edit and choose 'UK Template'"
When I go to the template selection and click on 'edit', it only lists one Template available - the Classic. There is no UK Template when the drop down list is selected.
Is something missing? Or is the Classic actually the new UK Template?
Thanks in anticipation
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The Mutual Advantage Forums » Posts by alpage2
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