Ok problem solved after hours trawling through the US forum.

Firstly make sure your server supports the file type (mine seemingly has an issue with .zip files)

For my Linux Server the following set up worked (can't say it will for everyone)

Redirect OFF
Streaming ON

GZ Compression OFF

This last one proved to be the most important.

Hope this helps somebody else solve a problem.


Has anybody else had a problem with corrupt downloads. I've set everything up right for my e-books and get the point where I can downloads the product - but it's always corrupt when I try to view it. I've tried straight pdf and zipped files of varying sizes but the result is alays the same - corrupt download file. It seems to just download about 10% of actual file then gives up and says complete.

If anybody can shed some light on this I'd be really grateful!!!! I'm tearing my hair out over this one.


Thanks Kev,

I've sorted out the first problem I think - just finished testing it all really. It was down to duplicate product names. The customer has to go through all the products on the site and give them all unique names. I used Bill as a test and added a number to the end of his name. This looks to have sorted that issue.

Still need help with the positioning issue though!



What I've been asked to do is to be able to sort alphabetically but restrict to certain groups - e.g A-Z sort but restrict to groups of A-D, E-H, I-L and so on.

I know how to sort alphabetically but how can I add the other level?

We'd also like to do a similar thing by Value - e.g.

I have modded the product listing to cater for my customers request. Instead of the standard listing we actually have all the products in a category listed in a menu on the left of the center column with the product details on the right of the center column

you can take look at what I mean by choosing a product from any category at


There are two distinct problems happening now.

1. The list repositions to the top each time a customer selects a product from anywhere in the list. Annoying if you just scrolled down 2 pages to get the ones you wanted.

2. The prev/next function is up the spout! If I select 'Bill Nighy' from actors then there are several different products for him. If I choose the first in the list you'd expect it to move on in order when you press next - it doesn't. It's getting lost and  if I try to go through all 4 images then I'm lucky if I see 2.

Anybody who can shed any light an either of these then I'd be glad to hear from you!
