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Thanks for the work you have done on this product.
It certainly is a pain free way of getting started with a UK set up.
What I would like to know, is to to modify the 'simple zen' template for use with this UK version.
Is there anything specific I need to know?
Can I just dump the contents of simple zen into your_template?
I am a programmer, but I really am quite Noobish when it comes to zen cart.
Hi Kevin,
It was actually triggered not by the ISP, but by the 'default' junk email filters in outlook.... not good news really.
I think this may be down to your list provider and perhaps someone they also provide list facilities has been naughty in the past on a spam level.... I cant think of any other reason why outlook would catch it... i dont have any mail rules set..... just the standard junk mail filters as shipped.
Hope this helps.
hold up..... buried deep in trash...
My bad, got it.
Hi Kevin,
I tried that before even signing up to this forum....
I even tried a few other of my email addresses and it simply isnt working. I do not a confirmation email period (Although I did from this forum which is on the same host I presume)
What next?
Hi All...
New to Zen cart, and all it's headaches setting up for UK.
Found this site and hope it can help me.
I subscribed to the list, but so far I have not had a download link...
Anyone point me in the general direction of a download that works with 1 .3.6 ??
Many thanks.
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