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OK Kev I waffled on a bit there, after doing a bit more comparison I've decided to answer my own question, I think!
I read thru some other forum entries, notably with daveUK where you mentioned upping the files after install, contrary to your New Install instructions. This gave me most of my solution. I was a little confused by the folders called Your_Template and Your_Template2 but I think I understand they coexist because your solution offers the final choice of default and classic UK templates.
So my idea/thing I really need confirming is :
If I fresh install Zen Cart (side question does it matter that it is v1.3.8a?), do a compare and combine with my existing build to include my original template mods, then add the contents of your admin and includes folders to their relevant locations but put the contents of either Your_Template or Your_Template2 in my template overide folders, then select my template in admin that should work, right? I'll have probably tried this by the time you read this let alone respond to it but your thoughts would be greatly appreciated as I think many tinkers' such as myself who are having to build backwards after going off halfcocked would benefit from being able to hack in your mods without having to go back to the drawing board.
I'll let you know how it goes.
I have been working on quite a drastic visual overhaul of Zen Cart using large chunks of a bought template (, with my own modified css and flash swf elements. Can't show you as yet as I only have it on my localhost (for local people ). I have found however as have many this side of the pond, as I start to build up the products and configure the payment, shipping and taxation modules that the otherwise excellent Zen Cart falls a little short in it's UK support. After an unsuccessful attempt to try and put it alright myself I came across your Template/Module and decided to give it a whirl. I'm sort of halfway through the process but the following point has arisen during my stratagising:
The UK Template uses the Template Selection tool so this will replace and not display amendments made to my existing template!
I would imagine that I will have to compare and combine some files and folders but at what stage ie. combine both UK and my template prior to install or combine Zen Cart and UK template then install and patch either 'UK Zen Cart Default v137' or 'UK Zen Cart Classic v137 Std' with my template.
Or is it possible you have a copy of the patch that would make your mods to the core Zen files thus allowing a the simpler process of just applying my template as usual.
How would you advise I best proceed to integrate the localising advantages of your template with my existing template?
Many thanks in anticipation (plus a nice donation to your site if you can shed some light),
Getting Zenned,
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